Secretary-General of the United Nations highly praised The Millennium Project
Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, estimated the value of The Millennium Project of the World Federation of United Nations Associations recently as following:
“The State of the Future is an informative publication that gives invaluable insights into the future for the United Nations, it Member States, and civil society.”
Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations
China Node of the Millennium Project
China Node has been engaged in the Millennium Project since 1997.
Spot news:
The Millennium Project has released its annual report - the State of the Future 19.0, which is available now at: State-of-the-future-version-19.0 The executive summary is available at: Executive Summary.pdfThe Chinese version of State of the Future 2015-16 is published by China Science & Technology Press.

The Newsletter of the Millennium Project is available online:
Newsletter 1.0:
1. Future Work/Tech 2050 Global Scenarios
2. Workshops to address issues in the Work/Tech 2050 Scenarios
3. NATO workshop on future terrorism and book
4. Pakistan State of the Future Index
5. New Nodes in Portugal and Georgia
6. New website under construction
7. GFIS scanning items added by new Interns
8. RIBER and FEN
9. FRM 3.0 Translated into Persian/Farsi into five volumes
10. MPPC Meeting in Washington, DC
Newsletter 2.0:
1. New State of the Future to be released in October
2. New Website
3. Future Work/Tech 2050 Workshops
4. Future terrorism/deterrence book for NATO
5. Pakistan State of the Future Index
6. New Nodes in Portugal, Georgia, and the Netherlands
7. Conference: Mexico in the Global Future October 11th
8. GFIS scanning items added by new Interns
9. RIBER and FEN meetings
10. FRM 3.0 Translated into Persian/Farsi into five volumes and Spanish
11. MPPC Meeting in Mexico
12. New executive team for transition of MP leadership
13. World Future Day
The Press Release of the Chinese translation of the 2015-16 State of the Future is available at:
2015-16 State of the Future.pdf
A. Introduction of the Millennium Project
B. What's New about Publications
C. 15 Global Challenges
D. Recent MP Planning Committee Meeting & Forum

2016 Millennium Project Planning Committee Meeting
Washington D.C., USA, July 20-21
E. Book & Report
F. Node and Members of Planning Committee
G. Real-Time Delphi Studies
H. State of the Future Index(SOFI)
I. Global Futures Intelligence System(GFIS)
J. Top Think Tanks 2013 lists The Millennium Project 6th in the world in the Special Achievement Category IV for “Best New Idea or Paradigm Developed by a Think Tank”
K. Futurists’ Worldwide 24-Hour Discussion to Celebrate World Future Day March 1st to be Hosted Online by The Millennium Project
More details of this news are available at World Future Day and its Website: http://futureday.org/
L. The Millennium Project Planning Committee Meeting was held on July 7-10, 2014 in Santo Domingo of Dominican Republic
The 19 research suggestions in the MPPC RTD were grouped into four priorities during the MPPC Meeting in Santo Domingo to be:
1. Future of Work - What new forms of work in the future are possible as tech convergence eliminates many jobs and income gaps are rising? - Including Global Demography 2050: Strategic Implications; and How to increase human intelligence and wisdom?
2. Future Eco-smart, creative Cities - Including Global Demography 2050: Strategic Implications; Just in Time Resilience Systems for Extreme Events (human and natural disasters); and Collect and assess all ideas to reduce urban traffic.
3. “Black Swan” search - A “Black Swan” search to find new fields that could be as significant as the Internet a decade or two from now. “Black swans” (or better “Wild Cards”) are interesting in every fieldand their importance is growing. The search should also include associated “weak signals”.
4. Future of Anticipatory Governance - Including What new forms of governance in a multi-polar social media world are possible? What might democracy 2.0 look like beyond some polarized two-party democracies? And Find variables that indicate well-being, sustainability, good governance, and innovation.
M. World’s First Foresight Encyclopedic Dictionary Available to the Public
The Millennium Project has produced the first encyclopedic dictionary, containing over 1,000 terms used by futurists in futures research and foresight. This extraordinary encyclopedic dictionary was developed over 10 years by Concepción Olavarrieta, Jerome C. Glenn, and Theodore J. Gordon from The Millennium Project, with input from another 500 futurists from around the world.

N. World Economic Forum has created a new global futures group: Global Strategic Foresight Community
The Global Strategic Foresight Community of the WEF released a series of papers by forward-looking thought leaders about significant changes to the global future, and Jerome C. Glenn, CEO of the Millennium Project, published his statement titled by "The 'Global Shifts' released by the WEF’s Global Strategic Foresight Community includes the Age of Conscious-Technology".

More details of this news are available at http://www.prweb.com/releases/2015/01/prweb12454821.htm
O. The Millennium Project maintained its 6th place world ranking for “Best New Idea or Paradigm Developed by a Think Tank” in Top Think Tanks 2014 list
January 22, 2015, the University of Pennsylvania released its “Go To Think Tank” Index Report and The Millennium Project maintained its 6th place world ranking for “Best New Idea or Paradigm Developed by a Think Tank”.
Here’s the top ten list:
1. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (United States)
2. Peterson Institute for International Economics (United States)
3. Chatham House (United Kingdom)
4. BRICS Policy Center (Brazil)
5. Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) (United States)
6. The Millennium Project (United States)
7. Third Way (United States)
8. Fraser Institute (Canada)
9. Brookings Institution
10. European Policy Center (Belgium)