2007年7月27 日-7月29日:

WFUNA(world federation of United Nations Association)秘书长(Secretary-General)Pera Wells 与女性代表 :

- Al Mualla, Hind, Head of Innovation, Knowledge and Human Dev. Auth., Gov. of Dubai, UAE, Node Chair
- Brass, Charles, Chairman, Futures Foundation, Fairfield, Australia, Australasia Node Chair
- Catanzaro, Frank, Arcturus Research & Design Group, Maui, Hawaii, Cyber-Node Chair
- Cordeiro, Jose, Sociedad Mundial del Futuro Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela, Node Chair
- Cosgrove, Catherine, Content Director, Liberal Party of Québec, Montréal QC, Canada, Node Co-Chair
- Dahaim, Cornelia, Z_punkt GmbH The Foresight Company, Essen, Germany, Node Chair
- Delahaut, Marie-Anne, The Destree Institute, Namur (Wallonia), Brussels-Area Node Member
- Destatte, Philippe, The Destree Institute, Namur (Wallonia), Brussels-Area Node Chair
- Eckerson, A. Kathleen, Pebble Beach, CA, Silicon Valley Node Member
- Fittipaldi, John J, Army Environmental Policy Institute, Arlington, VA, Sponsor Representative
- Florescu, Elizabeth, Director of Research, WFUNA Millennium Project, Calgary, Canada
- Gaponenko, Nadezhda, Head of Dept., Inst. for Ec. Policy and Law, Moscow, Russia, Node Co-Chair
- Glenn, Jerome, Director, WFUNA Millennium Project, Washington, DC
- Golob, Blaz, Slovenian Research Agency, Chair, Bled Forum on Europe, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Node Chair
- Gordon, Ted, Senior Fellow, WFUNA Millennium Project, Old Lyme, Connecticut
- Gordon, Ann, Old Lyme, Connecticut
- Gottsman, John J., CEO, Clarity Group, Palo Alto CA, Silicon Valley Node Chair
- Gutierrez, Miguel, Center for Globalization and Prospective, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Node Chair
- Harries, David, Foresight Canada, Kingston, OT, Canada, Node Co-Chair
- Hasegawa, Fumio, Japan Futures Society, Japan Node Member
- Hoyos, Arnoldo Jose, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de S?o Paulo, S?o Paulo, Brazil, Node Co-Chair
- Jin, Zhouying, Director, Ctr of Tech. Innov. and Strategy Studies, CASS, Beijing, China, Node Co-Chair
- Kamal, Zaki Mahmoud, Sec.-General, Egyptian-Arab Futures Research Ass. Cairo, Egypt, Node Chair
- Kaskinen, Juha, Finland Futures Academy, Turku, Finland, Node Coordinator
- Kettunen, Sari, Finland Futures Academy, Turku, Finland, Node Member
- Klinec, Ivan, Inst. for Forecasting, SAS, Bratislava, Slovak Rep., Central-European Node Co-Chair
- Kobayashi, Hayato, Research Assistant, WFUNA Millennium Project, Washington, DC
- Marien Michael, Editor, Future Survey, LaFayette, NY
- Martin, Edward, Marketing Director, WFUNA Millennium Project, Washington, DC
- Matsumoto, Shinji, CSP Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, Node Chair
- McDonald, John, President, Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy, Washington, DC
- Murphy, Tom, WFUNA Millennium Project Associate, Des Moines, IO
- Novacek, Pavel, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic, Central-European Node Co-Chair
- Olavarrieta, Concepcion, Nodo Mexicano. El Proyecto Del Milenio, A.C., Mexico City, Mexico, Node Chair
- Park, Youngsook, Korea 2050, Seoul, South Korea, Node Chair
- Perrottet, Charles, The Futures Strategy Group, Glastonbury, CT, USA
- Reynen, Rick, Senior Manager, Deloitte, Minneapolis, MN
- Stoneking, Mike, Partner, Deloitte & Touche LLP, Cleveland, OH, Sponsor Representative
- Tikku, Mohan, Futurist & Journalist, New Delhi, India, India Node Co-Chair
- Wells, Pera, Secretary General, World Federation for UN Associations, New York, NY
- Wolbring, Gregor, Biochemist, S&T ethicist, University of Calgary, Canada, Canadian Node Member
- Faber, Evan, GW University, Washington, DC
- Nu?ez-Mujica, Guido David, Biology and Computational Physics, Los Andes University, Mérida, Venezuela