* “State of the Future” (for 15 years) with Millennium Project
* “Future Technology Roadmap” with Institute for the Future ( IFTF)
* “Future of Post Mail in China and international comparison” with IFTF
* “The Role of Internet and Groupware in the Communication Between Chinese and American Cultures”
* “Future Investment Environment of Western China” with IFTF
* “EU – China’s e-commerce and electronic office” (e-EUCHINA project)
* “Environmental strategy for transnational Auto companies” ** Country
* “Green Car Development Guideline and Environmental policy in China” ** Country
* “Prospects for the development of the automobile in the next 30 years in××” ** Country
* “A New Mindset for Corporate Sustainability” 5 Countries
* “Europe 2030” Peer Review Group-UK
