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Macro Strategy Studies

Important project asked by the Ministry of Science & Technology (MOST) , State Planning Commission, Ministry of Finance, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing Development and Planning Commission & S863 Plan:

* Strategy Research for the Nation’s S863 Plan (S863 Plan: Nation’s High-Tech Research & Development Plan)
* Macro-management and International Comparison for High-Technology Development of China
* Study on the restructuring of China's energy strategy (Subproject of Strategy Studies of S863 Plan)
* National Strategy for Petroleum and Natural Gas
* The Industrial transition of Natural mine resource type of cities
* Robot Development Strategy Study of China (Robot Project of S863 Plan)
* Strategic Management and Institutional Innovation on Coal bed Methane Industry (MOST)
* The water problem in China
* Long-term strategy integration and sustainable development
* China GPI-genuine progress indicator and sustainable development


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